An Emotional Day

I usually like to keep things light and fun, but I just couldn’t help it today. Today was such an emotional day for so many reasons.

With the Christmas Season in full swing, there are so many radio stations granting Christmas wishes, and boy did I get sucked in this morning! The local station I listen to on the way to take T to school did a “B&E Christmas”. One of the DJs, with the help of family and friends, “broke into” a house and filled it with Christmas presents for the kids. They also brought the Navy dad home to surprise his wife and kids. Tear Jerker!

Today, a family friend was laid to rest. She was 27, married to the same man for 10yrs. They had 3 kiddos. Again, at the funeral, tears!!!

While I was getting ready for the funeral, I happen to have the mid day news on. That’s when I heard about the tragedy that shook our nation today. The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. As I watched in horror, I couldn’t help but want to go get T out of school and hide in the house. But I didn’t. And like every other parent in the country today, when he did get out of school, I gave him the biggest, longest hug that I have ever given him, and cried yet again.

Off and on, all day long, I cried. I cried for the families that wouldn’t get to spend Christmas together, for whatever reason. I cried for my friend, her husband, her kids, her family and friends. I cried for all those children that were affected by the shooting. I cried for their families. And I am still crying!!

My hubby, C, is out of town working. When I talked to him on the phone tonight, I cried the whole time. The overwhelming emotions today have worn me out! Hopefully, I will be able to stop crying long enough to go to sleep. Hug your babies! Tell them you love them, and that you are proud of them every chance you get! Enjoy as much time with them as you can. I am so thankful for every day that I wake up, and every night I get to go to sleep.

Peace and Love,


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